
Today's "War of the Worlds" is the final episode, The Obelisk. Actually I'm really surprised at how far this show as come. From one that was obviously not taking itself seriously, goofy as hell, and not being able to determine if it's comedy, drama or horror, it goes into Season 2 as a straight up Cyberpunk Sci-Fi Drama. It's tone become super serious, and the writing goes through the roof.

I know they were cancelled early, but they did have enough lead time to actually make a last episode, which ends very hopefully, and with a tenuous peace between humans and aliens, and does it well.

I'm sad it ended, but I think the rough first season really hurt the great second season.

Now, what should I put in its place? The previous shows in this slot were the 1978 Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Space: 1999, and now War of the Worlds. What do you think? Should I go more Cyberpunk with Max Headroom? Or maybe a bit of wierd with Space Precinct? Any other suggestions?

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