
@jarehadeen - "TTRPG writer and editor." THAT explains why you knew Sea of Legends! :)

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@jarehadeen - It was my first ever writing sale, and it happened very out of the blue. My former roomie is a fairly well known RPG writer, and she was approached to do some last minute work on Sea of Legends. She was unable to do, it, but suggested me to them.

I actually don't play RPG games. I write and draw comics, and have dabbled in screenwriting as well as prose. But as they were looking for someone who could write character dialogue, and comics are 90% character dialogue, I gave it a shot.

It was a BLAST. The adventures were already written, I was just required to write the character's dialogue and plug it into the adventure. I was given Olivia to write, and I had a blast writing a sympathetic-ish assasin. Then I was given Clara to write (which I pushed hard to make her very femmey despite being a big brawler), followed by Isabella (who I wrote a hilarious dialogue thread for her creating her own country with her as "Imperatrix."). The final one I wrote was Seti who was very hard to write for, since the adventure paths didn't work well with her character profile. I tried my best to make her a "Warrior Hippie." Someone who was kind and helpful and nice, but at the same time had no problem killing. I've never had her come up in a runthrough with the app, so I don't know if they cut her or not.

Apparently everyone behind the scenes loved my work, and recommended me for Sea of Legends 2. When I approached Guildhall about it, two things got in the way. They wanted me to write adventures, and I'd NEVER done that before (and I've played RPG games maye three times in my life). While I was up for the challenge, just hours after I contacted Guildhall I also had a "day job" job offer pop up, and I couldn't basically "train" on both jobs at the same time and expect to do either well. I went with the day job. And, honestly, it was probably the wrong choice.

Dunno if I'll ever get back into that kind of writing, but I'd love to. Although I'm planning to concentrate on prose and screenwriting until then.

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