
Tonight's episode of Dr. Who was "The End of the World." I remember watching this as the second episode of the new Doctor Who, and feeling that the show felt very very very different with Chris Eccleston. He was almost too intense.

There's a point where he callously refuses to save a villain as she painfully dies, and he says "Everything has its time, and everything dies" when another character asks him to help the villain. At that point, I nearly turned the show off, cause this wasn't the Doctor I remember.

And then later, he talks about how he saw Gallifrey burn in a war and how "we lost" and "they're all gone" with him as the only survivor. And it hits me: This IS The Doctor. And holy cow has he seen some shit.

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@dolari This is the doctor in need of healing. He's spent so much time helping others that he didn't know how to help himself.
Looking back at the stories now, it's clear he's trying to cope with major trauma, but not in a good way

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