
So, "Science Fiction Double Feature" is likely the best song about Science Fiction movies, but is written by a transphobe, and I'm not gonna expose that to a group of trans identified folks (even if it's the amazing Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies version).

Any other songs about science fiction out there I could use? Preferably about movies?

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@dolari (I deleted my long question because I finally noticed you said preferably about movies.) “These Aren’t the Droids” might be both too non-specific and too silly? Likewise “Spock Impersonator” by the Doubleclicks?

@Yamainu - I'm looking for something about science fiction movies in general. Science fiction in general would do, but the more specific in a genre/author/series, the less I can use it.

@dolari Hmm. Only songs I can think of that are even close are Weird Al's "Slime Creatures from Outer Space", and the Flaming Lips' "Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots". Charmingly, someone set "Slime Creatures" to clips from Independence Day.

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