
I'm looking for work!

Some of my skill sets that I can offer: Writing, Technical and Customer Service, Team Management, Art.

Technical and Customer Service
*Over 25 years working in customer service for end user electronics for large companies such as Dell Computers and Nintendo of America.
*Over 15 years working in solution engineering for corporations using software made by or used by Tableau Software, the Texas Department of Transportation, and Wincor-Nixdorf.
*Worked on customer and technical support through phone, email, chat, SMS and letters.

Team Management:
*Managed three teams during product launches and holiday seasons while maintaing responsibilities to other departments in tandem.
*Focused on behavioural management and servant leadership to manage teams and encourage growth in direct reports.

*Recently worked on Guildhall Studios' "Sea of Legends" as a dialogue writer, as well as an soon-to-be-produced musical, "'77."
*Featured in the LGBT anthology books "Letters for my Sisters" and two Prism Comics guide-books.
*Currently working on two novels and a radio play.

*Two web comics that have been running for twenty years.

If any of these skills could help out in your company, please feel free to message me, and lets see if we can work something out.

Private messages or emails only, public posts will not be responded to.

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