
So, my Threadgill's dinner was pretty good. Everythig needed salt, but I'm not sure of that's the recipe, or if that's me. I'm noticing I'm salting things a bit more than usual.

The chicken fried steak was good. The crust on it was still too soft and not crispy at all, but at least it adhered this time.

The mashed potatoes were excellent, but far too liquidy. A little less half-and-half next time, maybe. But honestly, if I'm going to make Mashed potatoes, I'm gonna make the sour cream potatoes I absolutely love.

The cornbread is almost perfect. And it likely would have been perfect if I'd not forgotten to put the butter in. I microwaved it to melt it and promptly forgot about it for almost two days. :) Just a tad bit more sugar, since I like a sweeter cornbread.

The Sweet Corn off the Cob, though. THAT was great and totally something I'd make again. The Threadgill's Vegetable Seasoning gives it a really nice spicy kick.

In all, not bad for making restaurant food at home. :)

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