
It took four years to develop because the cauliflower was pro LGBT and that had to be genetically engineered out of it.

Don't eat Chick-Fil-A. Popeye's has a better sammich anyways.

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Pickle juice in the breading, pff. We trans girls have been putting pickle juice in the everything for decades.

But in all seriousness, just make oneself a chicken sandwich. Chicken, relish, mayo, couple peppers, bit of lemon sprinkled on, maybe a few steak-cut chips and a good soft cheese. It's not that hard, and you don't have to play mental gymnastics to tell yourself it's morally correct.

@dolari Eating at local restaurants, instead of regional or national chains, keeps your hard-earned money circulating in your local economy, benefiting your local community, your fiends, your family, your city.

@VisualStuart - "My Fiends" is the best, and most accurate, typo of the day.

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