
I'm watching the pics and video from the Picard screenings few days ago, and I've got so so so many memories of the TMP Screening I went to last April.

While I woulda loved to be there, I think I'd have enjoyed the TMP viewing better. The TMP vieweing was much more personal an intimate. I got to mingle with the producers and creators and it was really a celebration of the creation of a movie with the creators of the movie, and I very much felt like a very-far-orbit member of the crew than a fan.

The Picard premiere from a fan perspective looked more like a real movie premiere, where the creators and the visitors were kind of seperated from each other. I'm not sure how much of that is true, since I'm only seeing a few videos and pics here and there. It was also FAR larger than the TMP premiere, so it may have had to be that way. But the fans were happy to see each other, too. I know I would had a blast meeting Sean Ferrick and Jessie Gender.

It would have been a blast to go see Picard as well. But the TMP premiere is something I'm gonna treasure for a long long LONG time.

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