
So the problem with the comal came from when the de-rusting gel I bought was seperated. That shouldn't have happened, but I bought the stuff from Amazon. WHo knows how long it was sitting on a shelf before it was shipped to me.

Everything else that went wrong happened because the gel seperated. But the rust on the comal is the same type as it was before today, it's just EVERYWHERE now. This weekend, I'm going to go to the Ace Hardware in town, and buy some of the de-rusting gel off the shelf. If it's still a gel, I'll try the de-rusting again. And I will check BEFORE I scrub down the comal again. If it's not, I'll return it, and ask for a fresh one.

I was worried that the worst would happen. And it did. And it messed me the hell up today. Maybe I'll be over it by the weekend, and if so, well, I can't make things much worse.

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