Enjoying the "fire" on the coldest night of the Winter so far....

@secant2 - I love Art Nouveau and when I saw that art, I had to get it.
It's an official poster. I bought one when I worked at Nintendo. They're still out there, too: midtowncomics.com/product/1599

@dolari bah, yeah when I was doing some contract work there they didn't have much cool stuff. Went through the shop and don't think I got anything at all.


@secant2 - Was that back in the old HQ? The old HQ shop didn't have much. It wasn't until they moved into the new HQ that it ended up being super filled with merch.

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@dolari I think new, but I don't know where the old one was. The one I went to was in Redmond, with the circular museum right across from the shop with all the pictures and memorabilia.

@secant2 - Yeah, that's the new shop. The old shop was in the old building which was where the soccer field is now. That version of the store had a few knick-knacks but was mostly console systems.

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