
So, a few days ago, on my "carb cheat day" I was craving some spaghetti, and I had some, but no sauce. To-go pasta is just too expensive, and if I wasn't going to pay for spaghetti, I was kinda wondering if I could skip buying the sauce.

I have some tomato puree and tomato sauce and tomato paste. I cook pretty good now, why not make a spaghetti sauce from scratch.

HOLY COW THAT WAS SO SO SO EASY. On top of that, I find spaghetti sauce usually far too sweet and salt it up, I could salt it as I made it, and it was perfect.

No measurements cause I was just kinda making it to taste, but all I did was take the tomato puree, but it on medium high heat, add some oregano, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, onion powder and salt and pepper. I let it reduce for a bit while I was making the spaghetti.

At the end, I took the spaghetti, put it directly in the sauce and let it sit a few minutes, before dumping into a plate. Perfect, and burned off some leftover ingredients that I rarely use to begin with.

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