
Thoughts Before Bed

I've not talked about this a lot, but I've hit a major major block with the Genevieve story. Like...several years long block. I think, though, I may have finally cut my way through that knot. I was watching TV tonight kinda mindlessly, when my brain just popped up and said:

"You are trying to write one story with five threads. You are trying to mesh the threads together, and make it work as one cohesive story. This is wrong. Write five stories, with one thread a piece. Don't intertwine, don't force story changes, just write the five stories seperately. THEN, once you've done that, weave the five stories into one thread. Go do it."

And it all just clicked into place. Just that..."Oh. I GET it now. I GET IT." I've been blocked because I'm trying to find a way to tell five stories coherently as one narrative. What I need to do is tell five stories, as five narratives. Then once THAT'S done, braid those five narratives into one book.

And it only took me...what...two or three years to figure out?

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