
Hit my first snag in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. After getting out of the tutorial, and mapping the first area, I decided I'd hit Gerudo Town, since That's My Adopted Hometown in Breath of the Wild. I only had four hearts, though and one extra stamina bar.

It was pretty obvious that that might not be enough given the troubles I had getting there. But I did everything I needed to out of sheer powering through it (and a LOT of meals). Four hearts wasn't enough, but a maxxed out meal menu just kept the hearts up enough to plough through everything.

There was a puzzle, though, that I could NOT figure out for the life of me and after a hour of working on it, I gave in and looked for a walkthrough. Yeah, I wasn't supposed to spend an hour messing with the thing at all, and had solved that part of the puzzle within seconds of being there. -_-

Also the lack of hearts really came through in my first boss fight which just was straight up "One hit kills." And my first death in the game came from that one hit. :)

I'm really enjoying the game, though. The trip to Gerudo in BOTW was a trip, to be sure. But in TOTK? It feels like a JOURNEY. Like I'm REALLY going somewhere. Like they took the existing geography and made it more exansive and bigger. It LOOKS familiar, but looks BIGGER. Also, really loving that this FEELS like a a real sequel to BOTW. Same characters, a few years older and wiser (Majora's Mask wasn't a direct sequel, and the Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks trilogy were direct sequels, but with completely different characters).

Loving this game so far. But I can't play it Sunday...I need to get out and enjoy the sun while it's out there. :)

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@dolari I feel the same, journey is the right word, that’s how I feel since starting the game, and a beautiful one

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