BBQ? Barbecue?! Dude, I lived ten minutes from Lockhart, Texas, this better @#%^ing WOW me if you're calling it BBQ.

@Mondobizarrro - It's good goooood stuff. The idea of Central Texas BBQ is less about sauces and rubs and just slow cooking the hell out of the meat with specific woods to get the flavor. Sauces aren't unheard of, but rarely used.

@dolari ooo i prefer smoking meat with dry rubs and marinating so that sounds guessing mesquite and hickory are the gotos followed by applewood and cherrywood?

@Mondobizarrro - Mesquite is the go-to for Texas BBQ, yeah. I rarely seen another wood used for that.

@dolari thought so. If rubs are used im guessing hot peppers mixed with other seasonings?

@Mondobizarrro - Dunno, honestly. My dad never used anything but salt and pepper. My roomie has a blend she uses, but I'm not sure what's in it.

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@dolari i usually use salt, pepper, dry mustard, paprika, garlic, and red pepper flakes.

@Mondobizarrro - My roomie also doesn't put rub directly on the meat, outside of salt and pepper. She makes a little tent out of tin foil and smokes the spices right along with the wood!

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