
This Week's Meals (3/3): Hylian Tomato Pizza

This came out better than I expected, which is great, cause once they came out, I completely destroyed them because I forgot to flour my pizza pan, and they cooked directly into the pan. Oops. Made for a nice casserole.

Thankfully, I didn't do that with the second pizza. :9

Some changes between my first attempt and rewriting the recipe. I put everything on the pizza BEFORE adding the mozzarella, so the mozzarella could bind the ingredients better. That doesn't look like the Zelda picture, but mades for a pizza that holds together better. Also, there was FAR too much tomato in my original recipe, and were far too large. Smaller ones will fit onto the slices a bit better.

# Hylian Tomato Pizza

Personal Trainer: Cooking
1.0 pizza

1.0 cup bread flour
0.5 tbsp dry yeast
0.5 tsp sugar
0.25 tsp salt
0.5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
7.0 oz fresh mozzarella cheese (diced into 1/4 inch cubes)
1.0 oz black olives (sliced)
0.5 whole bell pepper (sliced into rings)
0.75 cup water
0.5 medium tomato (sliced into 8 wedges per 1/2 tomato)
0.5 cup tomato sauce

1 - Put the warm water into a bow! and add the dry yeast.
2 - Stir in the sugar
3 - Leave the yeast and sugar in a warm place for 15 minutes to activate the yeast.
4 - Put the bread flour in a mixing bow and add the activated yeast mixture.
5 - Add the salt and olive oil.
6 - Mix together well using your hands.
7 - Knead the dough until it starts to stick together.
8 - Knead the dough on a cutting board. pressing with the palms of your hands as you push the dough away from you.
9 - Rotate the dough 45 degrees and fold it over. Continue to knead a you did before.
10 - Knead the dough until the surface of the dough is smooth and moist.
11 - Dust a deep dish with flour.
12 - Gather the dough into single lump then cut into the number of pizzas you'd like to make. Roll each portion of the dough into a ball.
13 - Wait a few moments before transferring the balls of dough to the deep dish.
14 - Cover the dish with a dry dish towel and leave it in warm place for approximately 50 minutes.
15 - Preheat an oven to 475F.
16 - Remove the dough from the deep dish and press down to release any air that has built up.
17 - Dust the dough and rolling pin with flour and roll the dough balls into flat round pizza crusts.
18 - Spread tomato sauce over the pizza crust, about 1/2 cup per pizza.
19 - Layer eight tomato wedges in a spiral pattern over each pizza crust.
20 - Scatter an equal amount of black olives over each pizza crust, about 1 ounce per pizza.
21 - Scatter an equal amount of bell pepper rings over the pizza crust.
22 - Scatter an equal amount of mozzarella completely over each pizza crust., about 7 ounces per pizza.
23 - Put the pizzas in the preheated 475F oven and bake until they are crisp and golden.

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