Jenn's "The Legend of Zelda" Rankings, now with Tears of the Kingdom!

Unlike Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom was pretty easy to place. IT was better than Breath of the Wild, so, it's higher than Breath of the Wild.

But is it better than Skyward Sword? I love Skyward Sword, because I was one of the few people who tolerated the motion controls and also the storyline kept me moving through the game. Tears of the Kingdom is Breath of The Wild, and while it's DLC origins show quite a bit (some of the side quests are pretty thin, the sky is sparse, and I finished the main story rarely venturing into the underground or crafting hardly anything special). The story itself is fantastic. The story more than makes up for the thinness of the game. Better than Skyward Sword.

That said, some of the sparsness of the game made me rethink some of my older rankings. Thinking of Ocarina of Time, I asked myself "Did I enjoy it more than Wind Waker? And the answer was "Yes. And on retrospect, it was better than Breath of the Wild." It's smaller than Breath of the Wild, but is packed with stuff to do that matters in the main quest compared to Windwaker and Breath of the Wild.

This also had me change my ranking for Phantom Hourglass and Four Swords. I moved Phantom Hourglass up to 17 and Four Swords down to 18, mainly because Phantom Hourglass HAS a story, and is more of a Zelda game than Four Swords, which is just a gem collecting game. Tears of the Kingdom got me thinking about the quest versus the busywork.

Twilight Princess is just a delight to play, my one major issue with it being the City in the Sky. And even thought it triggers my fear of falling something fierce, it's still fun. I've never felt the game boring or tedious, despite playing it four times.

The Good Ones:
1 - Twilight Princess
2 - Tears of the Kingdom (New)
3 - Skyward Sword
4 - Ocarina of Time (Up from 5)
5 - Breath of the Wild (Down from 4)
6 - Wind Waker
7 - Link to the Past
8 - Spirit Tracks
9 - Link's Awakening
10 - Adventure of Link
11 - Legend of Zelda
12 - Majora's Mask
13 - Oracle of Ages/Seasons
14 - Link Between Worlds
15 - Minish Cap

The Bad Ones:
16 - Four Swords Adventures
17 - Phantom Hourglass (Up from 18)
18 - Four Swords (Down from 17)
19 - Triforce Heroes

Happy to see Spirit Tracks ranked so high. Definitely the most underrated Zelda!


@comicsbyxan - I love love LOVE Spirit Tracks. When I did my "Play All The Zeldas Quest" I did Wind Waker -> Phantom Hourglass -> Spirit Tracks all in a row, and it makes for a really great "ending" to the Zelda "Adult Timeline" story.

Jenn having fun in Spirit Tracks:

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