
Spent the day being productive. Dishes done, house cleaned, and, get this, I reworked my resume. That took a LOT of pain killers and ice packs, but it got done.

When I was laid off, I was given outplacement services. They took my old resume, some questions and rebuilt a new one for me. I didn't like it, but figured they knew more than I did about resume writing these days (my original resume was designed in 1999!)

I ended up taking their text and redesigning the resume to a less cluttered one, but kept the text and formatting.

Fast forward five months - I get a meeting with an unemployment person, and he basically eviscerates my resume for every reason I didn't like the rewrite. Not in a mean way, but in a very constructive way. So, I basically merged all my resumes together with his suggestion:

Clean it up, ditch the keyword list and put it in the descriptions, remove the address (location bias) remove the dates from older jobs (age bias), and don't be afraid of a two page resume.

I rather like it. Nintendo is still a WALL OF TEXT but my job at Nintendo was ten years long and I did a WALL OF JOBS there.

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