This empty bucket may not look like much, but in 1999 and 2000, this was one of the most important things in my new post-transition life.


@andyy - Couldn't get Blue Bell in Pennsylvania. I lived in PA from 1996 to 2000.

@dolari ohhhhhh. I was thinking Texas like dummy

@andyy - I was a Texan from 1974-1996 and again from 2000-2008, and 2013-2014.

I dunno if I'm Texan anymore. I'd like to be. Texas thinks otherwise.

@andyy @dolari I'll never live there again, but I'd like to able to visit without worrying about my safety.

@TonyaMarie @andyy - I'd go back if I was ever in a position where I wouldn't be illegal.

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