
This Week's Fancy Pants Meal: Chicken Spaghetti Casserole

The recipe says this was from 1978, and it certainly looks like a 1978 Sunday Night Family Dinner. It's actually pretty decent if a tiny bit bland. Definitely needs salt and pepper (the recipe didn't have any, and I didn't add any thinking the Velveeta would be salty enough), and maybe a dash of hot sauce to spice it up.

This is the original recipe, which is far larger than my scaled down dish. The recipe says "Feeds 18-20!."

# Chicken Spaghetti Casserole

Fredericksburg Home Kitchen Cook Book

0.25 pound butter
1.0 cup onion (chopped)
1.0 cup celery (chopped)
1.0 clove garlic (minced)
4.0 ounces mushrooms (canned)
4.0 tbsp flour
4.0 cups chicken stock
2.0 pounds Velveeta (grated)
2.5 cups tomatoes (stewed)
2.5 cups peas (drained)
4.0 ounces pimentos (canned)
5.0 pounds chicken thighs (cooked) (diced)
16.0 ounces spaghetti (boiled) (drained)

1 - Saute at medium high heat the onion, celery, garlic and mushrooms until soft and slightly brown.
2 - Add flour and stir until well blended.
3 - Add chicken stock slowly and stir until thickened.
4 - Add cheese, tomatoes. pimiento and peas, stir until cheese melts.
5 - Add chicken and spaghetti and mix well with other ingredients.
6 - Place in greased casseroles and refrigerate overnight.
7 - Put in cold oven and bake at 375 degrees F. for 35 minutes.

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@dolari That sounds like a church potluck recipe to me!

And I have never successfully "grated" Velveeta. When I do stuff like this, I just cube it.

@TonyaMarie - Heh, didn't even think of that. I grated it, and it was easy. Cleaning the grater afterwards? Not so much.

@dolari It probably depends on how warm the block is when you start. Straight from the fridge it probably works ok, but if it's been on the counter a while it gets a little squishy (which, to be fair, is what it's for! 😁 )

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