
Super Productive Day today.

Had my first physical therapy session for my neck. The idea at this point is to strengthen my left arm, and strengthen my posture, both of which should help my pinched nerve issues. 30 minutes of a mostly relaxing massage and 30 minutes of excersize twice a week? I'll allow it.

We had a power outage today in town - apparently a power line CAUGHT FIRE knocking power out for about two hours. Perfect timing to head into Monroe and have a Girls Night Out with Crystal and Lissa and play some catch up and Zelda strategies. 🙂

After that, I spent some time at the Pride Across the Bridge get together in town. First time with that group since the big panel in May. Glad I went. I've felt like I've flaked on them multiple times, but the neck was at it's worse since that panel. I need to step up my role as a trans elder and glad I can.

After all that, came home, played some Zelda, and I'm about to head to bed.

A good day, first in a LONG time.

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