It's coming! The 1080p remaster is the way to go. While we're losing the 16:9 presentation, what we are getting is the proper 4:3 special effects which were so badly presented in the DVD releases. To quote another franchise "The Best of Both Worlds."

@dolari are we losing 16:9 presentation for VFX scenes only, or for everything?

@IngaLovinde - It's everything. It's what we saw on TV. The film scenes are cropped to 4:3 from the 16:9 masters (which is how it was broadcast), and the CGI is fullscreen 4:3 (instead of cropped and zoomed 16:9).


@IngaLovinde - Here's a comparison. 16:9 DVD on left, 4:3 Blu Ray on right (from the HD stream on Amazon).

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