
Of all the stuff I did these last three days? The one thing I keep thinking about? That gochujang burger. DAMN that was GOOD.

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@dolari A friend of mine makes some gochujang chicken wings which are always a hit.

@spottyfox @dolari what did it have in it? We usually have gochujiang and burger in our pantry so to speak. Did it also have kimchi?

@alairthephoenix @spottyfox - According to the website, it's: Spicy gochujang glazed crispy BC chicken thigh, savoy cabbage & mayo.

The chicken was a deepfried breaded piece of chicken with a thick thick gochujang sauce. The gochujang wasn't spicy at all, just the flavor of gochujang with no heat. The savoy cabbage and mayo kinda had a kimchi feel to it, but it certainly wasn't kimchi.

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