
The Canadian snack haul. Tag yourself, I'm Indomie Ramen Spicy Pack.

I've not been able to find the maple candies I really like twice now. I hope they still make them.

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@wilmhit - I can get that in the States, so I'm gonna pass. :)

@dolari it recently became available in my country so I'm still thinking about how it's connected to Canada and why it's wet.

@wilmhit - This sounds like a job for Wikipedia!

"The "Dry" in the brand's name refers to not being sweet, as in a dry wine. When John J. McLaughlin, who first formulated "Canada Dry Pale Ginger Ale", originally made his new soft drink, it was far less sweet than other ginger ales then available; as a result, he labelled it "dry", or it's a reference to a clichéd joke, "Don't drink Canada dry" uttered when someone is taking (at your expense and patience) at a waterfountain."

@Holocluck - The US may Blame Canada, but Canada blames Quebec. :)

"Poulet Frit Kentucky"

@dolari are the maple candies pure maple syrup? Like, kind of dried and pressed into the shape of a sugary leaf?

@alairthephoenix - Not these exactly. They're more like boiled sweets in the shape of a maple leaf, versus the compressed sugar candies.

@dolari dang I was hoping I had it, the actual candy ones are what you mean then! However I think I still have the solution!

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