
As many of you know (or many of you endure) I go to Canada a lot (at least before Covid).

I have a set of things I like to do when I'm there that I call "The Last Ride." I call it that because back when I left Seattle and move to Texas in 2013, it was "Everything that means something to me in Canada that I want to see before I leave for the last time." I ended up moving back in 2014, so, it ended up not being the "Last Ride" after all.

I didn't visit Canada again for a while after moving back up, but when I did, it was a day at the most, and what I'd do is visit stuff on that Last Ride list. The last time I was up there, I actually visited EVERYTHING over three days.

When I was planning up this trip, I wanted to do something different. And that was the theme - Do Something Different. So this time, no Last Ride visits. The only one I did was La Casa Gelato, cause it was my birthday trip, and I'm gonna do it.

Doing the Old Yale trip was a lot of fun, but also a lot shorter than I expected. The whole Kilometers/Miles things makes me think things are farther apart then they actually are.

I'd like to start going back up four times a year like I used to, but I think I'm going to hold off on that until I get a new job. Next trip may be around Christmas. I'll figure out something to do then. :)

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