
50% through the Mario Puzo first draft of Superman. At this point, there's almost nothing here that is recognizable to the movies we got. Three scenes have something akin to what we got in the movie:

Superman gives an interview to Lois. This, however, is a quickly done interview iimmediately after saving the group from Luthor. It's not as indepth as the one in the movie (at all), but there is an mention that he does several of these off-camera throughout the second quarter of the movie.

"Superfeats." The scene in the movie where Superman stops various crimes, and saves a cat is an echo of a similar scene here. After Superman saves Lois and company from Luthor, he does a similar set of superfeats. The only one that has a parallel in the movie is Superman walking alongside someone who is using suction cups to climb a building.

"Edge sends the group to Iran." This has an echo in the Richard Lester version of Superman II, where Edge sends the group to Iran to cover a terrorist takeover of an oil refinery, where in the movie Perry White sends Lois and Clark to Paris to cover a terrorist takeover of the Eiffel Tower.

Other than those echoes, this is a completely different story altogether, focusing on the group to Lois, Clark, Jimmy Olsen and Steve Lombard covering crime for the TV news. Lois comes across as a very competent reporter, and very incomptenet weather girl, Olsen is a true believer in Clark, and Lombard and Clark have a rivalry about how Clark is a coward, and Lombard is a washed up footballer trying to prove his worth.

Eventually, the four bad guys in the Phantom Zone find Luthor and while he's asleep whisper to him about Kryptonite and how the yellow sun of the Earth gives Superman his powers. This convinces Luthor to find and steal some Kryptonite from the local museum and fashion it into a straightjacket for Superman.

The group head to Iran as a group of terrorists take over an oil refinery, but it's a ruse. Instead Luthor has created the distraction to steal the Peacock Throne of Tehran, hoping Superman will show up. He manages to get the straightjacket on Superman and captures Lois. Olsen and Lombard go to save them, however Lois has managed to save herself (with a little advice from Superman) about a hidden sword in the throne. She uses that to cut her and Superman's bonds, and he cleans house. Luthor gets away.

As they get ready to fly back, Lois has the kryptonite straight jacket in a lead lined suitcase to give as a "present" to Superman. She obviously suspects Clark is Superman.

So so so SO different....

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