
So if Vera in Superman III is trans, then our villain, Ross Webster is the most trans-friendly character in the movie, never misgendering her, and calling her "Sis" the whole time.

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@dolari I don't think Vera is trans. There's forever been a women-who-are-strong-characters-are-bitches-or-reject-femininity BS. When you don't act like the fairer sex you're supposed to be.
Or why Miko never got to pencil for Marvel.

@Holocluck - I'll be honest: I'm fairly sure as she was written as more of an 80s lesbian comedy trope (see how people reacted to Martina Navratilova back then). But it sure reads transphobic these days as well.

@dolari They all come down to anti-women, women not feminine enough etc.
Want to clarify that attitudes against trans women fall under that in every way (you know who author is a poster child).

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