
This Week's Fancy Pants Meal: Honey Glazed Spareribs

This recipe is supposed to be from the Basque region, but I had to make a few substituions, so I don't know if that counts anymore. Try finding sherry vinegar and piment d'espolette out here in the valley....

Still good though. :9

# Honey-Glazed Spareribs

The Basque Kitchen
6.0 servings

4.0 pounds pork spareribs
kosher salt
0.75 cup honey
1.0 tsp smoked paprika (or piment d'espolette)
2.0 tsp rice wine vinegar (or sherry vinegar)
3.0 cloves garlic (minced)
1.0 tbsp black peppercorns (crushed)
1.0 tbsp corriander seed (crushed)

1 - Preheat an oven to 375 degrees F
2 - Line a large sheet pan with aluminum foil and lay the rack of ribs on top.
3 - Season both sides of the meat with salt.
4 - To prepare the glaze, combine the honey, smoked paprika, rice vinegar, garlic, peppercorns and corriander seeds in a small bowl. Mix together well.
5 - Slather the glaze over both sides of the meat and place the ribs into the oven to cook for 45 minutes, basting continuously.
6 - Turn the slab over and increase the heat to 425 degrees F.
7 - Cook for another 30 minutes, basting once or twice more, until the meat is cooked through and the glaze is dark brown.

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