
A little something for Star Trek day.

During the heyday of Star Trek Fan Productions, I considered doing a webcomic called "Star Trek: Redskirts."

The idea was that there were an elite team of women Starfleet Marines (based from the team sent down in the TAS episode, The Lorelei Signal), who had absolutely nothing to do because Starfleet missions tend to be peaceful. Idle hands are the devil's playthings.

It would also explain Chekov's absence in TAS as he joined to the group to get a start on his security career which is where we see him in ST:TMP. No gender change for Chekov (at least not past the first episode), but he was in the red minidress because the Redskirts were proud of...well...their red skirts.

I'd started work on the first episode, and since it was going to be a love letter to TAS, I'd started work on making some high resolution plates of Filmation backgrounds to use in the comic. Then Paramount came down on Fan Productions and given that I remember how Paramount came down on Star Trekker in the 90s I kind of abandonned it.

It wasn't all for naught, though. I recycled some ideas in the Lower Decks spec script I wrote a year or two back. Which was at least something nice to do on a weekend.

A little secret about Madison (the blonde on the left). She was originally going to be written as trans. Not in the closet, but not really outting herself. Why? Doesn't really matter in the future. The only clues that she would be trans is a certain amusement at Chekov being self-conscious of the uniform on the team.

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