
This Week's Fancy Pants Meal: Lime Marinated Shrimp

Can't really recommend this one. It tastes really good, sure. But so much of the food ends up dumped out that it feels super wasteful. But still, if you want to make it, here's the recipe:

# Lime Marinated Shrimp

Celebrity Chefs Across America

1.0 whole shallot (minced)
2.0 cloves garlic (minced)
2.0 whole serrano chiles (stemmed) (seeded) (finely chopped)
4.0 whole scallions (thinly sliced)
0.5 cup cilantro (chopped)
0.5 cup parsley (chopped)
2.0 tbsp honey
0.5 cup water
0.25 teaspoon pepper
1.0 cup lime juice
0.25 tsp salt
0.5 cup olive oil
1.0 pound shrimp (peeled) (deveined)

1 - Place shrimp in a small bowl and refrigerate.
2 - Combine shallot, garlic, chiles, scallions, cilantro, parsley, honey, water and pepper in a medium mixing bowl.
3 - In a medium bowl, combine the lime juice and salt.
4 - Slowly whisk the olive oil into the lime juice/salt mixture.
5 - Add the lime mixture to the other ingredients.
6 - Pour marinade over shrimp and refrigerate for 1 hour before grilling.
7 - Light the grill.
8 - Remove the shrimp from the refridgerator and drain for five minutes before grilling.
9 - Thread 5 to 6 shrimp on wooden or metal kebab sticks.
10 - Make sure the grill is clean and hot.
11 - Place shrimp on the grill and cook approximately 2 to 3 minutes on each side.
12 - Serve immediately.

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