Today's Texas Adventure

Dad wanted to see Fort Inge, one of three "points"that make up the town of Uvalde (Fort Inge, Uvalde and Uvalde Junction). It was one of a line of forts designed to protect white pioneer from the Comanche on the area.

We headed out and stared fairly leisurely, but ends up skipping a few hours of cities as time began to dwindle. Uvalde is a long way from San Antonio.



Once there, we were broken hearted to find out that the park is only opened Saturday and Sunday.

We got some food, had a picnic at a local quiet parkas a consolation prize. We took a side trip home that was not only fairly quiet, but skipped a few towns I'd hoped to hit. But it was a nice trip and, not being in the Hill Country gave me the Big Sky I miss. I love the mountains of Washington, but that Big Sky...I miss it.


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