@dolari why don't you like pokemon? the games are pretty fun but the newer ones kinda suck though.

@boringaccount - I actually had it ruined for me. :)

My dad, when he found out I was working at Nintendo, asked what Pokemon was. So I told him the basic gist of it, to which he replied "Oh, cock fighting! I used to do that in the 50s!" and then he regaled me with stories about how his Rooster killed a bunch of others, and now I can't not see it.

@dolari you worked at nintendo? what did you do there. thats pretty neat

@boringaccount - I was at Nintendo of America for about ten years. I started as a phone tech support rep, became their chat/forum lead, eventually added to our letters department, and at the end was managing tech support teams.

It was a lot of fun, but there was also a lot of heartbreak: ign.com/articles/nintendo-amer

@dolari cool. sorry you were a victim of shady corporate politics though

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