
I'm 26 years into my transition, and 23 years into hormones. My "second puberty" has LONG since finished. But sometimes, I get these wierd little "Oh, that's new" sensations, even after all this time.

The other day, I found a jacket I really liked, but because of my gigantic rib cage, they only one that would fit was cut for men. It was nice enough that I tried it on anyways. Then I zipped it up.

Sure, it fit around my waist and stomach, and even my shoulders. But because it had no room for breasts, it really pressed down on them. And while it didn't hurt, it was this wierd "constraint" feeling I've never had before.

It was something that, since I transitioned BEFORE I started hormones, I'd never experienced before, and even twenty three years later was something new to me. :)

I'll never stop experiencing changes, it seems. And I'm okay with that.

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