Okay, YouTube, I've tried to be nice. I've been letting ads play when they're relevant to me, skipping them when they're not, and blocking them when they're offensive.

They're now ALL offensive. And to send me one that begins with an anti-trans statement? Ad Blocker getting installed RIGHT NOW.

@dolari get ublock origin, and the anti adblock filters stay on, also use firefox if you arent already. it just works

@Mondobizarrro - I saw the uBlock wasn't working anymore. I just threw my hands up and moved to FreeTube.

@dolari it still works fine for me but you just gotta use the proper filters.

Ublock updates daily so it should be fjne

@Mondobizarrro @dolari This subreddit updates whenever stuff goes sideways and has full instructions for making it likeliest to work. For now – at most, opening the Dashboard Tab for uBO and clicking the clock icon next to “uBlock filters – Quick fixes” with all youtube tabs closed works consistently on firefox in case one creeps thru.


@kittenlikeasmallcat @Mondobizarrro - Using it now. Seems to eb working, but I'll keep this in mind if it stops. Thanks!

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