
I've got quite the Blu-Ray/DVD collection, and I'm currently working at ripping them to a dedicated entertainment center. But I notice I don't really WATCH movies like I used to.

From about 1985-1995 I was an avid movie watcher. I'd go to a theater not to see a specific movie, but to see A movie. Just something they had that'd catch my eye. And at that age, it took some effort. My nearest theater was a six mile bike ride, or an hour on the bus. Once I had a car, things got easier, but it was about then I kind of stopped going....

I saw a lot of movies over those years but after graduating from high school, I just kind of petered out of watching movies. Same thing with reading books - I was an avid reader, and it also faded out.

I remember specifically the last movie I saw at the theater that I "picked out" once I got there was in 1995. I decided to see Powder, and walked out of the movie about thirty minutes in. I remember thinking it wasn't a very good movie and just left.

And then I never really went back. The next movie I saw in a theater was The Phantom Menace, and after that, just the Star Wars/Trek and LOTR movies and a few others here and there. I think I've seen two movie in the last year or so at a theater, COVID notwithstanding.

I've often wondered why I quit the movies/books. 1995 was when my trans-crisis hit criticality, and maybe I was just using all my energy to sort myself out and my future. 1995 was almost the last year of my life, so I'm guessing all my energy was going to to staying alive.

I never really got back into either reading or watching after things settled down. Honestly, they never really settled down, they just got a little easier to manage. Maybe that's why I'm still not going to the movies as much as that ten years in the 80s/90s.

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