Today's Bread: Cinammon Rolls.
OMG THEY'RE AMAZING. I was worried cause of the power outage making me have to hand knead the dough and lack of counterspace making the rolls a bit thicker than they should be, but taste wise? OMFG they're GOOD.

This recipe has pecans, however, I tend to not use pecans. Feel free to add 'em if you like. The addition of marshmallow is surprising, but it works....

# Cinnamon Rolls
Luby's Recipes & Memories
24.0 rolls

1.3333333333333333 cups warm water
2.0 tablespoons active dry yeast
0.5 cup granulated sugar [rolls]
3.0 whole eggs
0.25 cup butter (melted) [rolls]
0.5 teaspoons butter (melted) [rolls]
0.3333333333333333 cup nonfat dry milk
0.5 teaspoon salt
5.0 cups all-purpose flour
vegetable oil (as needed)
0.25 cup butter (melted) [filling]
0.3333333333333333 cup granulated sugar [filling]
1.0 tablespoon ground cinnamon
0.5 cup chopped pecans
0.5 cup miniature marshmallows
1.0 pound powdered sugar
0.5 cup evaporated milk
2.0 tbsp butter (melted) [icing]
1.5 tsp butter (melted) [icing]
0.5 tsp vanilla extract

1 - In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine water, yeast and sugar.
2 - Set aside 5 minutes to allow yeast mixture to become frothy.
3 - Add eggs and butter.
4 - Using the dough hook of the electric mixer, beat on medium speed until well-blended.
5 - Add dry milk and salt. Mix well.
6 - Add flour, one cup at a time, mixing until dough begins to pull away from sides of bowl.
7 - Leaving dough in bowl, lightly grease top of dough ball with vegetable oil.
8 - Cover loosely and let rise in a warm place 1 hour or until doubled in size.
9 - Lightly grease two large baking sheets.
10 - Punch dough down and roll out on a lightly floured surface to form a rectangle.

11 - Brush butter over dough.
12 - In a small bowl, mix together sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle evenly over butter.
13 - Continue with pecans and marshmallows
14 - Roll dough up tightly, starting at long edge.
15 - Pinch dough to seal seam.
16 - Cut into portions
17 - Place, cut sides up, on baking sheets.
18 - Let rise in a warm place 1 hour.
19 - Preheat oven to 350°F
20 - Bake 20 to 22 minutes or until golden brown.

21 - Whisk together the powdered sugar, the evaporated milk, the butter for the icing and vanilla extract until smooth and creamy.
22 - Spread over warm rolls

@dolari Question: The ingredients have

0.25 cup butter (melted) [rolls]
0.5 teaspoons butter (melted) [rolls]

Is that all together? A quarter cup plus an additional 1/2 tsp? Or is the 1/2 tsp for something else? I don't see 1/2 tsp making a huge difference once you have a quarter cup already.

@TonyaMarie - It's .5 tsp in addition to .25 cups. Not sure why the recipe adds both together, but I'm too afraid to deviate from recipes cause that's where disaster lies for me. 😆

@dolari Cool. I see the same thing in the icing - 2 tbsp plus another 1.5 tsp. Weird. 🤷‍♀️

@dolari When it says "two large baking sheets", what size did you use?

@TonyaMarie - 13 inches by 9 inches. If you have bigger use it, as these were quite crammed in.

@dolari Nod That would be quarter sheet; I generally use my half sheet pans, so I'll plan to have two ready and see how it looks.


@TonyaMarie - Yeah, the reason my rolls are "Square" are that I was cramming a bunch in those two pans (I actually have three, but one was dirty). I also don't usually make 24 rolls, just 6, but this was for a potluck.

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@dolari Oh, so do you just cut the entire recipe down to 1/4? Seems like it would be hard to measure that small (especially 3/4 of an egg! 😁 )

@TonyaMarie - I have a program that scales recipes pretty well. It's why my instructions are so wierd looking like .333333333333333333333333 cups and "None None Salt" for ingredients that are to taste.

My ingredients for 6 jenn-sized rolls looks hilarious. I usually end up rounding to the nearest measurement:

@dolari 😮

I think when I make this, I'll do a full batch and plan to share with lots of friends, and weigh out the ingredients in grams to make scaling simpler.

0.58 eggs. Sheesh. 😁

@TonyaMarie - Make sure you only use the left side of that egg! :)

@dolari Have you ever tried making up the dough in advance and then refrigerating for a day or two before baking? I was thinking of doing these for Christmas morning, and having it all done save the baking seems like a good idea. :)

@TonyaMarie - I did it involuntarily when the power went out while baking, but usually I bake the same day I make the dough unless the recipe calls for it.

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