
Watched a video that uses the new Dr Who theme in it, and I kind of got wistful for the Jodie Whittaker theme. The New Who theme is very happy and flighty and fun. Jodie's is Dark and Ominous. And as a fan of the old series, I preferred Dark and Ominous.

I have a feeling Jodie's time on New Who will kind of echo Season 18/19 of Doctor Who, where we got a new producer and new script editor who decided to jettison all the slapstick and overt humor and base the show in better science and drama (and a better budget). And it was a Big Change to what came before, and arguably, the beginning of the end of the classic show.

Or, like me, you actually liked that direction for Season 18 and 19. I liked some of the changes made for Jodie's run. Sadly, it really ran out of steam super quick and Jodie was left with some lackluster stuff for her final seasons.

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