This Week's Fancy Pants Meal: Seafood Marinara.

It's bad folks. Like REALLY bad. Ooof. And I LOVE seafood.

@dolari becausr good seafood just tastes awesome not being drowned in tomato sauce?

@kkarhan - I worried that the recipe didn't have any "season to taste." So I seasoned it. And it didn't take. And did it again. And it didn't take. Eventually I got worried about the amount of salt going into it. Eventually I just stopped cooking it, and servied it up, thinking "I'll salt it when I eat it if it needs more."

And when I ate a full spoonful, it still wasn't salty, even with romano cheese sprinkled on it. Instead it was incredibly bitter tasting tomato.

I'm guessing "tomato paste" might mean something different wherever this was printed and it should have beeen "tomato puree" or something "tomato sauce." Either way, it tastes horrible and was a disservice to the seafood.


@kkarhan - Gourmet roomie told me I overcooked the tomato paste and it scorched....

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