
Without downloading any new pics, what’s your energy going into 2024?

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@dolari Oh cool, that's on fedi too, I posted my version to BSky and forgot to crosspost it. :blobcatgiggle:

@SymTrkl - This image is kind of important to me cause it's what came up when I saw the question. I felt it was important enough to post everywhere.

@dolari Mine was much sillier, but I like the vibe of yours, even if I don't recognize the show.

@dolari i watched macross, so im familiar with the other stuff put into it, just never saw the other stuff.

@Mondobizarrro - Mospeada/New Generation is really good. It's one of the few shows that I think gets "post apocalyptic society" right. Not all Mad Max, or ecological horror, but "Society got knocked down and is trying to get back up as best it can."

It's VERY episodic compared to Macross, but, again, the story and environment is VERY good.

Also, had a character that is genderfluid if not full on trans. :)

Southern Cross/Robotech Masters tried...they just didn't execute it well. :(

@dolari murder, i want to kill 23 people and severely injure 2 - they'll never have a normal life again. I should do it

Without downloading any new pics, what’s your energy going into 2024?

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