Welcome to #WebcomicTalk, the #fediverse #webcomic discussion hashtag. Our topic this week is "goals." We have three questions left.

Question 2: "Why did you choose the goal or resolution for your webcomic that you did?"

Please include the hashtag #WebcomicTalk and boost the prompt to invite more creators into the discussion. You can answer these prompts whenever you see them, even weeks after they are posted. We'll boost your responses.

#webcomics #indieComics #comics #amWriting #art



I never liked open ended comics because there was never really much of a satisfying solution to the stories they were telling - they always dovetailed into the next thread.

So when I started my comics, I was very big on "I will have the whole story in my head before I do comic #1."

Closetspace (dolari.net/cs) is fairly rigidly plotted, and its following that plot very closely.

"A Wish for Wings" (dolari.net/awfw) was less rigidly plotted, and more of an outline that I would follow, but aiming towards an ending. In fact, we HIT that ending in episodes #101 and 104 (no pun iuntended).

That said, AWFW continued because, on the way to that ending, a sequel appeared in my head. That sequel was originally called "A Harp Within My Hand" but instead of making a new comic, I simply extended the story. Harp Within My Hand was also completely outlined before I weaved it into the comic.

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