
This Week's Fancy Pants Meal: Skillet Lasagna.

Not quite a lasagna, more of a Hamburger, Spaghetti Sauce casserole. The chicken breast slices don't really do anything lasagna like to this but does bring the carb count way down.

It's tasty though. I'd do it again, but without the expectation of it being lasagna like.

# Skillet Lasagna

Quick & Easy Ketogenic Cooking

1.0 pound ground beef
2.0 tsp sea salt
24.0 oz marinara sauce
4.0 slices roast chicken breast (deli slices)
1.0 cup mozzarella (shredded) (divided into portions)
1.0 tsp oregano

1 - In a 10-inch cast-iron skillet, brown the beef over medium-high heat, seasoning it with the salt, until cooked through, about 5 minutes, breaking up the meat with a spatula as it cooks.
2 - Add the marinara sauce and stir well to combine.
3 - Remove the sautéed beef to a bowl.
4 - Layer the sliced chicken breast on the bottom of the skillet.
5 - Top the chicken with a half of the shredded cheese.
6 - Scoop the beef on top of the deli meat to create an even layer.
7 - Top with the remaining half of cheese and sprinkle with the oregano.
8 - Cover and heat on low until the cheese is melted.

5 servings at ~400 calories per serving
Calories 430
Total Fat 23g
Total Carbohydrate 19g
Protein 25g

Yields 4 servings normally

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