I used to not like Gordon Ramsay because of how shouty and angry he was portrayed on American TV. Then I saw a few episodes of his British shows, and I saw a side of him that was obviously edited out of the US shows.

He actually gives a damn, is hoping to make a difference, and often the shouty and yelly comes from when things are on the line and someone makes an overly dumb mistake. You usually only see this "nice" version of Gordon Ramsay in his Masterchef Kids show (minus the yelling).

This interview is super insightful and very eye-opening to his mindset and why he does what he does. And also hosted by my fave chaos goblin youtube chef, Josh Scherer. I wonder if they did end up brawling it out in the parking lot.

It does not go into why the produces edit him to yell all the time, but I think that's more of what the regional audience wants and what they want gets ratings.


@dolari yeah! The first show I saw of him where he's being himself and you see his full range was the F-Word! I think Americans just like to see him yell, so most people's knowledge of him stops at Hell's Kitchen. Which incidentally is the only show I actively avoid of his, for this precise reason of editing.


@Alairthephoenix - I'm a big believer that a lot of American Reality TV is the audience's want to see people fail.

The uplifting stuff from the UK Kitchen Nightmares just doens't show up in the US version for that very reason.

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@dolari that makes so much sense. I hate seeing it. I don't watch TV to see people punching down or to be hopeless. But Americans love that, the cruelty.

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