Spent the evening with some online friends watching some 80s and 90s afternoon animation. While I really really love Japanese anime, my real love is animation in general. I get as much fun from an episode of Macross or Ranma as I do from Batman: The Animated Series or Tiny Toon Adventures.

I haven't had much of a chance to share that love with anyone since the C/FO fell apart waaaay back in the 90s, but I'm glad to have an outlet to do so every so often now.

@dolari Oh, interesting. When asked if i like anime, i'm not quite sure how to answer since i don't see it as something separate, and rather like/dislike individual shows.


@theartlav - For me, the quality of the animation is part of enjoying the shows. It's why I like anime far more than Western animation, because they put far more care into it. But I don't hate Western animation. It's just not done with as much care (but often with as much style).

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@dolari Hm, i tend to agree, but i'm also a bit biased since i tend to only see the good ones.
Then again, what do you think of Avatar the last airbender?

@theartlav - Big fan, actually. I love that they're going for a more realistic style to the animation, like we had back in the 80s.

From about Ren & Stimpy to Steven Universe, there was this trend for super stylized animation that kind of lost some of that real-ness.

Not that that was a bad thing (a lot of those STYLES are really well done). But we lost something for a few decades we're starting to get back.

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