
Sometimes, your transition lessons suddenly start back up. In my case, 24 years later.

When I first transitioned, I wore a lot of makeup. And because Steph was my "Professor of the Femininities" I used her makeup at first. Eventually I got my own makeup, but it was older makeup she was replacing.

As time moved on, and I started buying my own, I just simply kept getting the same kind of makeup over and over again. And as I stopped wearing makeup all the time, I got less and less makeup.

A few years ago, my mother mentioned that she didn't like my makeup, because it lightened my skin too much. And she was right - Steph is lighter complected than I am, and Mom lent me some of hers. It looked great, and I started getting that instead.

And then it got discontinued. Well, as I'm wearing makeup more and more for stuff I'm doing, I'm quickly running out of foundation. I need to buy more, and I've never really bought my own makeup before. I always just used Stephs or Moms and kept buying it when I ran out.

So I'm gonna need to buy some more before I run out...and...well...even though I transitioned in 2000...I kinda don't know how to do make sure I get the right color.

Lessons never end.

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@dolari I’m 54 and have no idea how to buy foundation or lip or cheek color so I don’t 🤷🏼‍♀️

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