
UPDATE: So literally an hour later, the stylus completely died on me. We're currently down for the count until I get a new stylus (doubtful) or a new tablet (expensive).


Hey, y'all. The stylus for my Yiynova tablet is getting more and more wonky, and while I hate hate HATE to get rid of a good tablet, there are no compatible styluses for this model AND the company has gone out of business.

Anyone know a good mid-range drawing tablet? I don't have a lot of money to spend, but can throw down some money for a decent tablet, and even save up a bit if necessarty (the stylus is wonky, but not dead). Preferably one with good Linux support.

Let me know....

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@dolari tell me about your needs for a new tablet? Size, Resolution, Preferred vendor, etc.

I can/will help. DM me a way to donate to you directly.

@jeff - Looking for something akin to my previous pen display. About 19 inches for the display, but willing to go down (or up). I've used Wacom stuff over the years, but I'm also partial to Bosto.

I'm looking at getting a Bosto 16HD as it's "cheap" and the reviews seem to say it's an okay tablet. Videos seem to do what I need it to do.

I have a Paypal link at the bottom of my comics:


Awesome, so it looks like these tablets can range in pricing. I am sending $300 which should cover a Bosto model, or maybe the one I saw by XPPen.

@dolari It is not a problem. It really is the only way I can help.


When you choose your tablet, I wanna see which one ya got :)

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