
This Week's Bread: Peanut Butter Biscuit Twists

I joke a lot about how that during my five years in Pennsylvania, I ate some pretty bland food ALL the time, and that ketchup was as exotic as most folks got. It's an exaggeration, of course. But not by much.

But one thing they excelled at? Desserts and sweets. Especially baked ones. So taking a page from the FIVE HUNDRED PAGE Pennsylvania Grange Cookbook, I came across these PEanut Butter Buscuit Twists and decided to try them out.

I was a little suspicious about making a sugar glaze and just dunking the biscuits in it, but in the end, what you end up with is a nice "top" glazed salty-and-sweet biscuit.

I would totally make these again. And in fact, encourage you to try it. It's quick and tasty.

Suggestions: Use creamy peanut butter. I used chunky because it's what I had and as the biscuit rises, it pushes all the chunks out. Also, the 90g measurement for peanut butter is just for my nutritional info. Put as much as you like in there. :)

# Peanut Butter Biscuit Twists

The Pennsylvania State Grange Cookbook
10.0 servings

0.5 cup brown sugar (packed)
3.0 tbsp water
1.0 tbsp butter
0.25 tsp cinnamon
0.5 tsp vanilla extract
10.0 count buttermilk biscuits (canned dough)
90.0 grams peanut butter

1 - Combine brown sugar, water, butter, cinnamon and vanilla in a saucepan.
2 - Cook over medium heat until butter is melted and sugar is dissolved, stirring occasionally.
3 - Pour into ungreased 8x8 inch baking pan.
4 - Separate biscuits and flatten into three inch oblongs.
5 - Spread with peanut butter.
6 - Twist each biscuit three or four times.
7 - Place in prepared pan.
8 - Bake at 400F for 15 to 20 minutes or until browned.
9 - Cool for 3 minutes.
10 - Remove to serving plate.

10 servings
Calories 254
Total Fat 5g
Total Carbohydrate 41g
Protein 6g

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