
So, I've been in Second Life for 17 some years, and have enjoyed being my true self for some time. Recently, though, an old friend from SL who dissapeared got back in touch with me, and sent me over to another virtual world, Resonite, to check it out.

It's impressive! Way more complex than Second Life, but also somewhat isolated. There's not the kind of "grid" you'd get in SL, where one region links to the next, links to the next. It's all individual worlds. It's hard to be social, when you're isolated.

But if you find a spot, though, it's like Second Life of Old. Khyle sent me over to the Creator's Jam, and oh, my goodness, it was like 2007, all over again. A ton of people, all working on stuff, and the moment they knew you were knew, they walked you through EVERYTHING. I've gone from "how the heck do I look around?" to "complex linkages between components and prims" in about three days.

Would I leave SL for Resonite? Not really. I love SL and that's my home. But for a "spa day at a resort?" Sure, I'll pop on every so often. Especially once I find an avatar that is more "Jenn" and less "Dollar Store Princess Zelda."

Also, I'm apparently the only human in an entire world of furries...although there is one centaur out there....

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There are a few humans, robots, aliens, etc on there. It's just that furries always make up most of the first wave of creators on any platform that enables you to be a furry, and Resonite has the most powerful avatar-customization options of anything out there right now.

@Nuki - Totally not a complaint. While I'm not furry myself, I'm usually in good company when I see them around. :)

I'm looking forward to diving into the avatar options. I've seen some really nice ones out there. I just needed SOMETHING human-female that wasn't "wierd looking 1950s floaty robot."

I'm really enjoying some of the builds I'm seeing that are blowing Second Life out of the water. But then again, SL's enhancements have been mighty slow since I started. I'm guessing for the sake of backwards compatibility.

Ready Player Me is always an option: people have done some interesting things with that using Resonite's power as a development-platform. if you’re interested, I’m running a public hangout every Thursday at 22:00 (GMT+3), everybody is welcomed!

@me - That's a little early for me (I'm on the west coast of the US, AND a night owl), but if I happen to be up at 11AM, I'll stop in! there is definitely lots of furries in resonite, but i'm glad we can get more people like you to diversify the userbase!

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