
This Week's Meals: Hynka's Kielbasa Casserole

I don't know who Hynka was, but she makes a says this is a casserole, but it's really a hot potato salad. I don't like cold potato salad, and hot potato salad is just mashed potatoes to me, so this works really well.

Something that really changes the flavor is the rye-caraway breading. Every so often, you bite into a caraway seed and a little bit of that savoury-bitter taste comes through. Makes for a nice little surprise when you hit it.

Again, I would suggest slicing the sausage way thinner than 1 inch thick, and HIGHLY suggest seasoning this to taste cause it needs it.

# Hynka's Kielbasa Casserole

The Pennsylvania State Grange Cookbook
6.0 servings

1.2 pounds green beans
4.0 whole potatoes (cut into 1 1/2 inch cubes)
1.0 whole onion (chopped)
2.0 slices rye-caraway seed bread (cubed)
1.0 pound kielbasa (slices 1 inch think)
120.0 g ketchup

1 - Cook beans in water in saucepan until partially done. Set aside.
2 - Boil potatoes in water until partially done; set aside.
3 - Sauté onions in large non-stick skillet until tender.
4 - Add bread, kielbasa, beans, potatoes, and enough catsup to lightly coat vegetables.
5 - Cook until vegetables are tender, stirring frequently.

6 servings at ~37.5g carbs each
Yields 4 servings normally.

Calories 405
Total Fat 19g
Total Carbohydrate 40g
Protein 14g

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