When we first got our Chevrolet Bolt EUV, I was really anxious about doing road trips in it. I had heard horror stories about bad charging units and other issues. This was my first BEV, so I was super anxious.
However, after putting thousands of miles of road trip distance on the car, I'm finding that it's eminently doable, and more than that... it's actually more enjoyable, at least for me.
My strategy for doing road trips in our Chevy Bolt, which is probably the *worst* road tripping EV among popular EVs... is to pre-plan it all, limit distance between chargers to 170 miles, avoid unreliable chargers, and synchronize charging with meals.
I actually really love driving 2-3 hours, then taking a 30-60 minute break. It's relaxing and I feel more alert as a driver.
@pandora_parrot @Aminorjourney - My biggest fear with roadtripping in an EV right now is that, when I roadtrip, I tend to go off freeway, or DEEP into forested/BLM areas where chargers are rare. Heck, even gas is rare, but not nearly as rare as chargers in those areas.
I do have a set of fuel rules I use when roadtripping in ICE engines (never let the fuel tank drop below 1/2 tank, fill up anytime you see "no services next X miles"), I need to find away to adapt that to an EV vehicle, as one is in my future eventually.
@dolari @Aminorjourney I haven't done that kind of thing yet, but here's something I've been thinking about: Many RV camp sites have NEMA 14-50 outlets you can use as a Level 2 charger...