
[Thoughts Before Bed]

Getting stuff ready for tomorrow's ribbon cutting/pride event and I'm coming to a realization.

I have a lot of feminine-business clothes.
I have a lot of feminine-around-the-house clothes.
I have a lot of androgynous-nice-casual clothes.

But I don't have any feminine-nice-casual clothes.

I am not really a social person. I go to work. I hang around the house. I go out occasionally. If I need to dress nice for work, I wear the feminine-business clothes. Around the house clothes, is, well, around the house clothes.

But when I go out somewhere, I tend to dress androgynously. I've been the subject of far too many harassments, disturbances, and ejections for being who I wanted to be, that I stopped dressing casually feminine. Not because I felt I should, or wanted to, I just wanted the harassment to stop. It's also the reason I became a "not really social person."

This isn't my first pride. But it is my first in a VERY long time. There will likely be protestors, yeah, but the majority will be other LGBT people who won't do any of the crap I had to deal with. So I could addord to wear something femininely-casual without people making a scene. Tried to put something together to find that those clothes are all gone. Given away as my weight went up or trashed as they wore out.

Now that I'm moving into positions where I need to be in public casually to put in an appearance, I don't have anything to wear that isn't "feminine looking top, jeans and sneakers." I need to get more "feminine-casual" clothes, cause, while I put together something "okay" it's not really great.

Also I got rid of my nice feminine Keds that I hadn't worn in years, and now all I've got are my Big Clunky Sneakers. I coulda used them tomorrow. ;)

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