
So with everything going on these last two weeks, I was too busy to buy the weekly groceries and have been living off restaurant food and leftovers. I'm out of both today, and most everything here closes at 9:00PM, so you know what that means.


This is why I buy them. Emergency food, for Big Emergencies, and Tiny Emergencies, like today.

Today's was absolutely a "Breakfast for Dinner" MRE as well. And is ALMOST the oldest MRE I've ever eaten as this was packed back in October 2018 (five and a half years!).

It was actually REALLY good, the standouts being the blueberry coconut granola cereal (makes it's own milk!), and the hash browns while not crispy cause that's hard to do in an MRE, was super tasty. The apple turnover tasted a bit artificial, and the peanuts were ABSOLUTELY showing their age. The crackers and cheese are crackers and cheese.

Can't complain. I enjoyed it. Not bad for a nearly six year old meal!

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